Products » grafted specialties

Picea abies ‘Noel’ – Royal Splendor® Norway Spruce

Height: 30-40’  
Spread: 15-25’ (upright, narrow and pyramidal)  
Grow Rate: moderately fast  
Hardiness: zones 3-7  
Foliage: bright glossy green, soft and short needles. Does not produce the typical drooping branchlets normally seen in maturing trees.  
Seed: 3-5 “ light brown cylindrical cones  
Preferred Soil: ph 6-7 but is adaptable  
Common Ailments: None serious with better than average resistance to needle fungal diseases, and is somewhat deer resistant.  
Attributes: Makes a very nice specimen tree. Has uniform steeply upright branching angles without the hanging branchlets. Provides fast growth with a very desirable foliage.

Currently in production

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